Case Study

Organizing live entertainment
Surreal + Userfront

Surreal Case

Surreal empowers an entire industry to create better live experiences.

From the venues that host gigs, to the entertainers that perform them and the punters that experience them, Surreal believes that live entertainment should be more accessible for everyone, encouraging a healthy obsession with getting out of the house and away from our screens.

Visit Surreal
  • Surreal's scale

    Auth features

    Tech stack

  • Trusted by 2,000+ venues
  • Hosted over 30,000 gigs
    6-digit verification codes
  • 48,954 5-star reviews & counting
    Brute force security
  • Surreal's scale

  • Trusted by 2,000+ venues
  • Hosted over 30,000 gigs
  • 48,954 5-star reviews & counting
  • Auth features

  • Passwordless
  • 6-digit verification codes
  • Brute force security
  • Tech stack

  • TypeScript
  • Next.js
  • Node.js

Surreal trusts Userfront

Userfront handles thousands of authentication events so that Surreal can focus on its mission.

"Auth is complicated, and Userfront gave us the light touch "just enough" solution we need."

Surreal Performer

Securing better live experiences

Userfront gives Surreal the tools they need to build confidently:

  • Realtime security monitoring
  • User data encryption and backup
  • Brute force login prevention
  • NSA-grade token signing with forced SSL

"We love that Userfront handles brute force lockout and helps us feel more comfortable with requests not hitting our servers until a user is authenticated."

Surreal's tech stack

Surreal architected their system to be cloud native, utilizing serverless containers to create multiple isolated, testable, and robust services.


Surreal uses TypeScript top-to-bottom to improve code quality and create robust, maintainable software.


Surreal uses Next.js to serve its frontend web assets with both static site generation and server-side rendering (SSR).


Surreal developed a custom, event sourcing Node.js framework on the backend.

Userfront works with any tech stack

From legacy integrations to modern builds, Userfront provides endpoints and libraries based on open standards to integrate with every tech stack.

Bottom line:

Surreal's combination of modern tooling and robust security helps them move faster and build better systems.

"If you need a modern auth solution that is just the right amount of opinionated in order to make sure you follow good practices without needing to be a security engineer yourself, Userfront is the right tool for you.

Our team has already recommended Userfront to other devs, and we would do it again. Tyler and the team at Userfront have been very friendly, knowledgeable and responsive which is just the cherry on top."

James (Senior Eng) & Simon (CTO)

Try Userfront in your application

Add modern tooling and robust security
to your systems today.