Password Rules
The System enforces password requirements that meet or exceed NIST Password Guidelines.
Passwords must be at least 16 characters long, or at least 8 characters long including a letter and a number.
Passwords cannot exceed 512 characters in length.
Minimum password length if letter and number are included
Minimum password length without character requirements
Password Handling
The System does not store passwords in plain text. Passwords are stored as hashes and are encrypted at rest.
Passwords are not written to system logs.
The System uses the Bcrypt hashing function to generate password hashes, with a unique salt for each password.
The System limits the rate of password attempts at multiple levels, including per IP address, per user, and at the system-wide level.
Password hashing function
Brute force attack resistance
Preimage attack resistance
Rainbow table attack resistance
Password hash encryption at rest
Password Resets
The System provides secure, single-use, time-expiring password reset credentials when requested by a user.